(複数選択可/Multiple choice)動画や音声が含まれますか?/ Does your slide include video or audio?任意

※スライド雛形及び作成上の注意(Forms and notes for making PowerPoint slides.)
Click here to confirm the forms (雛形).

※必ず雛形に沿って作成してくださいませ。(Please follow the model and notes.)

Please click here for upload your data.

締切日 Deadline date November 10, 2024必須
【学生の方のみへご連絡/This message is for students only】Please check the check box after you read the note.任意

 Please put up your poster by 13:00 on the day.
 (This may result in your poster not being selected for the poster award.)

 Tools for pasting will be available in ITbM entrance hall on the day of the WS. Please feel free to use them.

 Poster numbers are posted on the upper right corner of the poster board, so please put your poster on the board with your number.


【懇親会について/About the reception】
 Those attending the reception are requested to pay the fee of 1,000 yen to the GTR Student Support Office (Room 217, Science Department Building B) by Thursday, November 7.

 It can still be changed, so if you would like to change your attendance from absent to present, please send an e-mail to the secretariat.

mail: itbm-gtr.cons@itbm.nagoya-u.ac.jp
