*If you know the name of the person in charge of handling your inquiry, please enter it here.

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SMFL Mirai Partners Co., Ltd. uses a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) server certificate. Information entered by our customers is protected by security measure using advanced SSL encrypted communication.
Handling of personal information on the Enquiries and Survey pages of this website (Terms of Use)
Personal information submitted to SMFL Mirai Partners Co., Ltd. will be used for the following purposes only.
1.The Company specifies the objectives for which personal information can be used, and, except in instances specified in the relevant laws, makes use of such information within the limitations of what is necessary to attain the specified objectives.

2.In cases where the objectives for the use of specified personal information are limited by laws and regulations, the Company does not use such information for any objective other than those it has specified.

3.In cases where an individual requests that the use of his or her personal information be suspended in connection with direct marketing activities, such as direct mailings, telemarketing, etc., the Company immediately ceases to use such individuals’ personal information for this purpose.

4. Personal information submitted might be used for research and analysis aimed at improving services and for other related business if necessary.
Your input data will be encrypted during transmission.